FOA - Franciscan Outreach Association
FOA stands for Franciscan Outreach Association
Here you will find, what does FOA stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Franciscan Outreach Association? Franciscan Outreach Association can be abbreviated as FOA What does FOA stand for? FOA stands for Franciscan Outreach Association. What does Franciscan Outreach Association mean?The individual & family services business firm is located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
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Alternative definitions of FOA
- Forest Owners Association
- Foam
- Field Operating Agency
- Friends Of Animals
- Formatting Objects Authoring
- Florida Optometric Association
- Freaks On Attack
- Freaks Of Art
View 53 other definitions of FOA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FEC Farmers Elevator Cooperative
- FBA Frosty Boy Australia
- FHG Full House Group
- FJI Fame Jeans Inc
- FC The Falls Church
- FCG Forbes Consulting Group
- FS Future of Storytelling
- FBI Five Blocks Inc.
- FES Fusion Event Staffing
- FMTPL Front Metrics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- FSGF Five Star Gourmet Foods
- FIMG Figaro International Management Group
- FAA Flint Auto Auction
- FCS First Calgary Savings
- FMG Fortis Management Group
- FSA Forklift Services of America
- FHIG Fine Home International Group
- FRII Family Redirection Institute Inc.
- FOW Fall Off the Wall